Environmental Health Department Pool Inspections


City of Lubbock Pool Inspector Presentation

The pool inspectors for the city of Lubbock gave a presentation at our Learn@Lunch today. Here is a video of that presentation. Information about new pool rules, inspection procedures, and much more was presented. If your staff needs to brush up on the latest inspection guidelines, you may want to sign up for the city-sponsored Pool School on April 20th.

All facilities should pay for this season's permit(s).  Invoices are being mailed out shortly, and EACH permit is $325.  Payment can be submitted by emailing the credit card authorization form to environmentalhealth@mylubbock.us , calling 806-775-2928 and paying with a credit card on the phone, visiting 1314 Avenue K- 4th Floor and paying in person, or mailing a check addressed to the City of Lubbock Environmental Health with your invoice to

PO Box 2000 Lubbock TX 79457. 

If a new Recreational Public Water facility is opened, the attached Plan Review must be completed and submitted with a $300 payment.  This one-time fee does not apply to the annual permit fee.

When the facility is ready to open for pool season, the manager or maintenance staff should contact the inspector for that facility and schedule an inspection.  Please ensure maintenance staff will be available to open the pump room, demonstrate chemical testing, and answer questions for the inspection.  The inspectors for your map area are as below:

    Area map for assigned pool inspectors for the city of Lubbock

    Gray/Green- Currently unassigned. Contact environmentalhealth@mylubbock.us
    or 806-775-2928, and it will be assigned to an inspector.

    Useful City Documents